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About - Testimonials


What Our Parents Have to Say

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve parents and families in transitions throughout the country, and their feedback means the world to us.

Here, you'll find review testimonials from families who have taken one of our classes firsthand. We hope their stories and experiences inspire confidence in what we do.

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31 to 60 of 2266 testimonials.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

July 2, 2024

Waynette D.

I would have enjoyed the program if I took it before my separation/divorce. My son does not remember his parents together.

6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

July 2, 2024

Yocheved B.

How each section is explained with reading, videos, activities and resources.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

July 2, 2024

Imani K.

I like the resources they offer during the program. Also, I enjoy the layout of the courses. I took way longer than expected and I'm grateful there wasn't a time limit.

6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

July 2, 2024

Marcelino R.

There are things I didn't know about the processes of separation or divorce, I think I understand all of this a little better now.

2 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

July 2, 2024

Lora W.

Is it explains what may be going on with everyone involved. Emotions experienced by both co-parents depending on the situation and shedding light on what children in different age groups are truthfully going through.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

July 2, 2024

Richard L.

It helped me to understand the psyche of people and how things can affect each other, how not to trigger people and not to be triggered, the best way to avoid conflict and how to create a parenting plan.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

July 2, 2024

Matthew S.

The different things that they point out in this class aren't always things that I thought of so it really made me think about my abilities to be a productive co-parent in raising my kids.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

July 2, 2024

Peter H.

I believe this is an excellent comprehensive program that communicates best practices for parents going through a divorce to minimize the impact on children and posture both parents to be the best parents possible during this tumultuous time in the children life.

6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

July 2, 2024

Michael A.

Not one but many things opened my eyes and mind. Gotta say I really enjoyed it.

2 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

July 2, 2024

Sara G.

All the definitions and the journal entries helped me process my feelings.

6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

July 2, 2024

Courtney S.

The co-parenting after the divorce was helpful. Learning different ways to communicate and understanding better how to do it. Seeing the different types of co-parents and being able to relate to what/how we have gotten along types. It helped change how I think about it or approach different situations.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

July 1, 2024

Athena C.

It was able to be done on my time. I could go at the speed I wanted to. I could go back if something was confusing. It really helped me understand more of what I will be going through and how to handle things.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

July 1, 2024

Amy D.

I like that it explained different ways to do things and also made me feel like I wasn't alone in what I was feeling.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

July 1, 2024

Lidia F.

It taught me ALOT about what I’m going thru. I really needed help understanding how to help my kids thru this time with them being so young.

12 Hour - Parenting Skills - Ages 5-13

July 1, 2024

Lyndsi B.

It was very informative and a lot of new information I can implement in my parenting.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

June 30, 2024

Douglas Z.

Overall education on topics that have not been explained to me. I feel more prepared to reduce the conflict so that we are not high conflict and just work for the best of the children.

Parenting Skills - Thrive Class

June 30, 2024

Micheala M.

I liked the information that was provided during the lessons. It really allowed me to think about how my parenting is and things I could change. For example learning my child’s temperament, this allows me to find new ways to approach him during an off day.

6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

June 30, 2024

Brian T.

The amount of valuable information in this class is outstanding. It's a great program for parents to take during separation.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

June 29, 2024

Shane V.

It was very informative and it really educated me on how to co-parent moving forward in a healthy and effective way.

8 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

June 29, 2024

Shawn B.

Self-paced and how the program started with learning a lot about myself before moving into conflict considerations with a co-parent.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

June 28, 2024

Carri R.

A lot of the questions helped me process some of my own thinking and feelings. We once had a counselor tell us that marriage was hard, but so was divorce. I didn't realize how hard it would actually be. This course may have been even more helpful to take before deciding to get divorced. I also thought the videos were very well done and spoke to each topic.

12 Hour - High-Conflict / Anger Management — High-Conflict Behavioral Skills

June 28, 2024

Kayla C.

It taught me alot: how to control my emotions, to listen to others, understand where the other person is coming from.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

June 28, 2024

Michelle K.

It was a good review for updating our current parenting plan and gave me useful tips on how to co-parent better!

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

June 28, 2024

Maurice C.

Understanding and practicing managed emotion, flexible thinking, moderate behavior and checking yourself can lead to a more relaxed and balanced approach to life. These skills help in navigating challenges calmly, adapting to different situations with ease and maintaining a healthy perspective on oneself and others.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

June 28, 2024

Emmalyn H.

I really liked how thorough and in-depth this course was as well as its attention to detail when it comes to the emotional stability for the children.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

June 28, 2024

Jonathan B.

I like how it teaches us to put the kids first. Having a good parenting plan is super important.

12 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

June 27, 2024

Anna R.

I really liked reading and I also liked watching the videos. I liked that I could take breaks and come back when I was ready.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

June 27, 2024

Joseph R.

I loved how the text and videos really explored the options presented to us in bite-sized ways. I now have so many learning tools at my disposal, thank you.

8 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

June 27, 2024

Stephanie J.

I liked how the units provided examples in videos and audio - I was able to access the content while multitasking and taking care of baby. I also really liked that the content was updated and with the times and included the use of technology.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

June 27, 2024

Josh I.

I really liked how it was broken down. I feel it covered a lot of important topics. Some of which were hard to hear but also needed to hear it.

31 to 60 of 2266 testimonials.
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