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Parenting Skills — Thrive

Online Classes
Parenting Skills — Thrive

12 Hour Online Parenting Skills - THRIVE

(Foundations for the Future)

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52 Hour Online Parenting Skills - Thrive Comprehensive Class

(Foundations for the Future)


2 Hour online Class Module

Parenting Skills — Thrive

NOTICE Check out our Parenting Skills Basics Class.

Parenting Skills — Thrive

2-5 Hour Online Modules



Addictive Behaviors

Module 1 — 2 Hour Online

Whether a parent or child, addictive behaviors can have significant impacts on both your mental and physical health, as well as interpersonal relationships, and overall quality of life. Addictive behaviors encompass a wide range of activities beyond substance abuse, including gambling, gaming, internet use, shopping, and even certain types of eating behaviors.



Social Media Use and Misuse During Life Transitions

Module 2 — 2 Hour Online

Social media can be a powerful tool for connection, but it requires thoughtful use during life transitions. This module focuses on the following aspects: social exposure, distraction, isolation, authenticity, privacy settings, legal implications, and impact on children.



Safety Concerns

Module 3 — 2 Hour Online

Safety concerns for children encompass a broad range of issues, all of which are critical to address, in order to ensure the well-being and protection of children. Addressing these safety concerns requires a multi-faceted approach involving parents, caregivers, educators, communities, and policymakers. By prioritizing children's safety, and implementing preventive measures, we can create environments where children can grow, learn, and thrive free from harm.



Working With Child Welfare

Module 4 — 2 Hour Online

Learn skills to navigate the child welfare system. Understand the responsibilities of both you and the child welfare system, and the range of roles and responsibilities aimed at protecting and promoting the well-being of children who have been exposed to abuse, neglect, or other forms of maltreatment. Being involved in the child welfare system consists of learning to navigate complex family dynamics and legal processes, and gaining the resources necessary for children to be safe and nurtured by natural parents.



Foster Care

Module 5 — 2 Hour Online

Children may be placed in foster care when families face challenges. Parents and caregivers can learn to communicate and solve problems together to create a positive future for the children.



Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness

Module 6 — 2 Hour Online

Child abuse is a serious and widespread problem that can have devastating consequences for children and families. It refers to any act or failure to act by a parent, caregiver, or other adult that results in harm, potential harm, or threat of harm to a child. You will learn skills to avoid child maltreatment from both a physical and emotional level.



Dealing with Loss

Module 7 — 2 Hour Online

Talking to children about grief and loss can be challenging, but open and honest conversations can help them navigate difficult emotions. Learn effective methods to support children as they cope with death, separation, and other significant losses. Explore age-appropriate ways to address their questions, provide reassurance, and foster resilience during times of grief



Assessing Your Resources

Module 8 — 2 Hour Online

We will identify resources and apply the management principles of time, space, and money. Classes for managing resources are crucial for individuals and organizations to optimize their use of resources, improve efficiency, and achieve their goals effectively. Overall, classes for managing resources provide individuals with the skills needed to maximize resource utilization, minimize waste, and achieve their objectives efficiently and effectively. By strategically managing resources, individuals can enhance their personal and professional effectiveness and contribute to long-term success and sustainability.



Raising Healthy Families

Module 9 — 2 Hour Online

Proper nutrition is essential for promoting health, preventing disease, and empowering individuals to make informed food choices that support their overall well-being. By investing in nutrition education, you take a step towards improving health outcomes, reducing healthcare costs, and creating healthier, more resilient communities.



Managing Conflict

Module 10 — 2 Hour Online

Conflict management classes play a crucial role in fostering healthy relationships, effective communication, and overall well-being within the family unit. Conflict is a normal part of life. Learn what conflict is and how to deal with it in a creative and constructive way, thereby promoting healthy relationships, effective communication, and overall well-being within the family unit. By learning how to manage conflicts constructively, families can strengthen their bonds, resolve disputes peacefully, and create a harmonious and supportive family environment for all members.



Creating Healthy Boundaries

Module 11 — 2 Hour Online

Healthy boundaries are essential for individuals to establish and maintain positive relationships, protect their well-being, and foster self-respect. This class focuses on creating healthy boundaries which are essential for individuals to develop the skills and confidence needed to establish and maintain positive and respectful relationships, protect their well-being, and foster personal growth and empowerment. By learning how to set boundaries effectively, individuals can enhance their quality of life and cultivate healthier and more fulfilling connections with others.



Building Accountability

Module 12 — 2 Hour Online

Accountability fosters trust and respect, which are essential to open communication in any relationship, especially the parent-child relationship. When your teen struggles, trust and open communication are essential. This class is focused on building accountability for individuals to take ownership of their actions, responsibilities, and commitments. Accountability empowers individuals to contribute to the success of their family by fostering trust and creating a positive environment.



Children and Transition

Module 13 — 2 Hour Online

This class is essential for parents, caregivers, educators, and professionals who work with children to understand how to support them through various life changes. The class focuses on children and transitions, and equips caregivers with the tools and resources needed to support the child's well-being during periods of change. By understanding the impact of transitions on children, and implementing effective strategies for support, caregivers can help children navigate change with resilience, confidence, and a sense of security.


Parent-Child Reunification

Module 14 — 2 Hour Online

Children are sometimes separated from their parents for long periods. This can be because of foster care, parent incarceration, military deployment or no-contact orders. Children and parents can learn options for staying connected while separated. They can also learn what to expect when parents and children come together again and how to make reunification positive.



Emotional Control

Module 15 — 2 Hour Online

This class is beneficial for individuals seeking to manage their emotions effectively and improve their overall well-being. We empower individuals to manage their emotions effectively, improve their relationships, and enhance their overall quality of life. By learning to regulate their emotions, individuals can experience greater resilience, mental health, and personal growth, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and satisfying life.



Negative Influences and Decisions

Module 16 — 2 Hour Online

Designed for individuals seeking to navigate challenging situations, resist harmful influences, and make positive choices. We provide skills to help recognize and resist harmful influences, make informed and responsible choices, and cultivate a positive and fulfilling life. By equipping you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to navigate challenging situations, we promote resilience, self-efficacy, and overall well-being.



Coping with Disabilities

Module 17 — 3 Hour Online

It’s entirely possible to parent and be a parent with a disability. But there are some specific obstacles you may be more likely to face than others. This class will look at physical limitations, specific healthcare needs, and child welfare as it relates to these needs.



Navigating Youth and Sexuality

Module 18 — 2 Hour Online

Providing young people with accurate information, promoting healthy relationships, and empowering them to make informed decisions about their sexual health is critical in empowering young people to make informed decisions about their bodies and their lives. This class contributes to the overall well-being and resilience of young people as they navigate the complexities of adolescence and beyond.



Impact of Technology

Module 19 — 2 Hour Online

Parenting children of today’s generation comes with a unique set of challenges due to the many recent advancements in technology. There is no denying the reach technology has in our lives, as well as the lives of our children. There are also many ways in which technology can positively impact our lives and those of our children—it all depends on how the technology is being used.



Understanding Mental Health

Module 20 — 4 Hour Online

When parents or children struggle with mental health, it profoundly impacts the family dynamic and the well-being of all members involved. This class promotes mental well-being to help reduce stigma, and fosters supportive communities, to help individuals thrive emotionally, socially, and psychologically.

Parenting Skills — Thrive

“Each day we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.“ Charles R. Swindoll

Purpose of the Class

To provide a self-directed, online educational class for court-involved parents or other parents in risk situations who would benefit from learning basic parenting skills. The primary goal is to minimize the risk of child maltreatment while optimizing child developmental outcomes. ​The class may be voluntary, recommended, or mandated by courts or other professionals.

Primary Objectives

As a result of participating in this class, parents should be able to

  1. Report more effective and frequent communication with their children about emotions.
  2. Report and demonstrate more positive interaction skills with their children and more positive stress-management techniques with self and children.
  3. Report and demonstrate more developmentally appropriate expectations and interactions with their children.
  4. Report and demonstrate more consistency when interacting with and responding to their children.
  5. Report and demonstrate using positive and effective discipline methods with their children.
  6. Report greater self-confidence and satisfaction with parenting.

All units include several Children’s Time activities to be completed with Babies, Toddlers, Preschoolers, School-Age Children, or Teens.

Parenting Skills — Thrive Outline

  • Pre-Core Units: Parenting Situations (Coming Soon)
  • At Risk for Abuse/Neglect
  • Children in Juvenile Justice
  • Relatives Caring for Children
  • Partner Violence
  • Complex Family Situations
  • Parenting Skills — Thrive
  • Unit 1 - Who Are You as a Parent?
  • Unit 2 - Understanding Growing Children
  • Unit 3 - Guiding Children
  • Unit 4 - Meeting Children's Needs
  • Unit 5 - Managing Stress in Parents and Children
  • Unit 6 - Helping Children Learn
  • Post-Core Units: Age Specific Parenting (Coming Soon)
  • Babies and Toddlers
  • Preschoolers
  • School-Age Children
  • Teens
  • Adult Children
  • Children with Special Needs

12h Online Parenting Skills — Thrive — Comprehensive Class Outline

Contact Us if you would like a comprehensive class outline.

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