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Online High-Conflict Anger Class

Online Classes
Batterers Intervention
Program (BIP)

16 Hour Online Batterers Intervention Program (BIP)

Aimed at addressing and transforming the harmful behaviors and beliefs that contribute to domestic violence. Participants will explore topics such as power dynamics, communication skills, empathy building, and accountability. Focus is on self-reflection and skill-building to promote healthier relationships and prevent future acts of violence.

$169.99 Add

26 Hour Online Batterers Intervention Program (BIP)

Aimed at addressing and transforming the harmful behaviors and beliefs that contribute to domestic violence. Participants will explore topics such as power dynamics, communication skills, empathy building, and accountability. Focus is on self-reflection and skill-building to promote healthier relationships and prevent future acts of violence.

$219.99 Add

32 Hour Online Batterers Intervention Program (BIP)

Aimed at addressing and transforming the harmful behaviors and beliefs that contribute to domestic violence. Participants will explore topics such as power dynamics, communication skills, empathy building, and accountability. Focus is on self-reflection and skill-building to promote healthier relationships and prevent future acts of violence.

$249.99 Add

52 Hour Online Batterers Intervention Program (BIP)

Aimed at addressing and transforming the harmful behaviors and beliefs that contribute to domestic violence. Participants will explore topics such as power dynamics, communication skills, empathy building, and accountability. Focus is on self-reflection and skill-building to promote healthier relationships and prevent future acts of violence.

$349.99 Add

* Batterers Intervention Requirements by State. This list is for reference, refer to your court orders for specific class requirements.


High Conflict / Anger Management

Being ordered to attend an anger management class typically occurs when a court or legal authority determines that your anger issues have led to or have the potential to lead to harmful behavior, such as violence or aggression.

Here are some common reasons why you may have been ordered to attend an anger management class:

  • Domestic Violence or Assault Charges: If you have been involved in incidents of domestic violence, assault, or other violent behavior where anger played a significant role, a court may order you to attend anger management classes as part of your sentencing or probation conditions.
  • Road Rage or Traffic Incidents: In cases where anger leads to road rage incidents or aggressive behavior while driving, a court may require the individual to attend anger management classes to address the underlying issues contributing to their behavior and reduce the risk of future incidents.
  • Workplace or Public Altercations: If your anger results in altercations or confrontations in the workplace, public settings, or social environments, authorities may intervene and mandate anger management classes to prevent further incidents and promote healthier ways of managing emotions.
  • Property Damage or Destruction: Anger that leads to property damage or destruction, such as vandalism or destruction of public or private property, may prompt legal intervention and a requirement to attend anger management classes to address underlying issues and prevent future destructive behavior.
  • Parenting or Family Issues: In cases where anger negatively affects familial relationships, including conflicts with spouses, children, or other family members, a court may order attendance at anger management classes as part of family court proceedings or custody arrangements to promote healthier family dynamics.
  • Probation or Parole Conditions: As a condition of probation or parole, individuals with a history of anger-related offenses may be required to complete anger management classes to address the underlying issues contributing to their behavior and reduce the likelihood of re-offending.
  • Preventive Measure: In some cases, a court may order someone to attend anger management classes as a preventive measure, even if they have not been involved in any specific incidents. This may occur if there are concerns about the individual's ability to manage anger effectively and prevent potential harm to themselves or others in the future.

Overall, attending anger management classes may help individuals learn constructive ways to manage their emotions, communicate effectively, and resolve conflicts without resorting to violence or aggression, thereby promoting personal growth, healthier relationships, and community safety.

Behavioral Skills Plus

You may have been ordered to attend batterers intervention classes for several reasons, typically stemming from your involvement in domestic violence incidents. Here are some scenarios in which a court or legal authority might mandate attendance at such classes:

  • Conviction for Domestic Violence: If you find you were convicted of domestic violence-related charges, such as assault, battery, stalking, or harassment involving a current or former intimate partner, the court may have ordered you to attend batterers intervention classes as part of your sentencing.
  • Probation or Parole Conditions: As a condition of probation or parole, you may be required to complete a batterers intervention program. This condition aims to address the underlying issues contributing to abusive behavior and reduce the likelihood of re-offending during the supervision period.
  • Protective Orders or Restraining Orders: In cases where a protective order or restraining order is issued due to domestic violence allegations, the court may require you to attend batterers intervention classes as part of the conditions for lifting or modifying the order.
  • Child Custody or Visitation Cases: In child custody or visitation disputes where there are concerns about domestic violence or the safety of the child, a court may order you to attend batterers intervention classes as a prerequisite for maintaining or regaining custody or visitation rights.
  • Pre-Trial Diversion Programs: Some jurisdictions offer pre-trial diversion programs for individuals charged with domestic violence offenses. Participation in a batterers intervention program may be a requirement to have the charges dismissed or reduced upon successful completion of the program.
  • Employment or Military Requirements: In certain professions or sectors, individuals may be required to attend batterers intervention classes as a condition of employment or continued service. This requirement may be part of workplace policies or military regulations aimed at addressing issues of violence and misconduct.

Overall, court-ordered attendance at batterers' intervention classes is intended to address the underlying issues contributing to domestic violence, promote accountability, and reduce the risk of further harm to victims and communities.

Batterers intervention focuses on:

  • Accountability
  • Behavioral Change
  • Breaking the Cycle of Violence
  • Empowerment of Victims
  • Community Safety
  • Legal Compliance
  • Prevention of Recidivism

Able 2 Adjust, Inc. makes every effort to meet the statutes set forth by state and county courts across the country. If you are concerned about whether or not your agency will accept our program, we recommend you reach out to your mandating agency for approval. You are welcome to download the course overview that most closely relates to your order. If you would like us to contact the agency on your behalf, we would also be happy to step in. Please contact us at 866-504-2883 and speak with one of our team members.

In order to identify which class would be most appropriate, please refer to your orders and review the language related to the class requirement. If you are still unsure, we recommend you speak with the agency that mandated the requirement. The following list may serve as a guide (include State Standards for Batterer Intervention Programs: A Content Analysis).

Upon class completion, you will be provided with a PDF certificate that you may email or print and provide to your mandating agency. You also have the option to email or print your journal entries should you choose to do so. (typically not required)

It will take AT LEAST the amount of time posted on the class to complete the class. Classes are comprised of a timer, activities, videos, and quizzes throughout the class to promote accountability. The class will require participation on each page in order to progress.

Although we are not able to answer any legal questions, if you have a question, please let us know and we will do our best to assist. (Question Form)

A Batterers Intervention Program (BIP) is a specialized intervention program designed for individuals who have engaged in domestic violence or intimate partner violence. These programs aim to hold perpetrators of violence accountable for their actions, promote behavior change, and prevent future incidents of abuse.

It will take AT LEAST the amount of time posted on the class to complete the class. Classes are comprised of a timer, activities, videos and quizzes throughout the class to promote accountability. The class will require participation on each page in order to progress.

Court-ordered attendance at either a high-conflict or batterers intervention class is intended to address the underlying issues contributing to domestic violence, promote accountability, and reduce the risk of further harm to victims and communities.

Studies report that evidence-based batterer intervention programs have been shown to be effective in reducing recidivism as they increase awareness and promote accountability.

Batterers intervention programs (BIPs) and anger management classes are both aimed at addressing problematic behavior, but they target different underlying issues and have distinct approaches. Here are some key differences between the two:

Focus and Target Audience:

Batterers Intervention Programs: BIPs are specifically designed for individuals who have engaged in domestic violence or intimate partner violence. These programs focus on addressing the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that contribute to abusive behavior in intimate relationships.

Anger Management Classes: Anger management classes, on the other hand, are generally designed for individuals who struggle with controlling their anger in various contexts, not necessarily limited to intimate relationships. These classes aim to help participants recognize triggers for their anger, learn coping strategies, and develop healthier ways of expressing and managing anger.

Content and Curriculum:

Batterers Intervention Programs: BIPs typically cover topics such as power and control dynamics, communication skills, conflict resolution, empathy building, and understanding the impact of abusive behavior on victims. The curriculum often includes discussions, role-playing exercises, and cognitive-behavioral techniques to promote behavioral change.

Anger Management Classes: Anger management classes focus on teaching participants specific techniques and skills to manage anger effectively. This may include relaxation techniques, assertiveness training, problem-solving skills, and communication strategies. The curriculum often emphasizes self-awareness, emotional regulation, and stress management.

Underlying Issues:

Batterers Intervention Programs: BIPs address the underlying attitudes, beliefs, and entitlements that contribute to abusive behavior in intimate relationships. These programs aim to challenge and change the perpetrator's mindset and behaviors to prevent future acts of violence.

Anger Management Classes: Anger management classes primarily focus on helping individuals understand and manage their anger reactions. While anger may be a contributing factor to abusive behavior in some cases, the goal of anger management classes is not specifically to address power and control dynamics or prevent intimate partner violence.

Legal Implications:

Batterers Intervention Programs: Attendance at a batterers intervention program may be court-ordered as part of a legal mandate, such as a sentence for domestic violence-related offenses, or as a condition of probation or parole.

Anger Management Classes: While participation in anger management classes may also be court-ordered in some cases, it is more commonly sought voluntarily or recommended by therapists or counselors as a proactive measure for addressing anger issues before they escalate into harmful behavior.

In summary, batterer's intervention programs are tailored specifically for individuals who have engaged in intimate partner violence, focusing on addressing the root causes of abusive behavior, while anger management classes are more broadly aimed at helping individuals manage anger in various aspects of their lives.

As a non-legal entity, we must clarify that we are unable to provide legal advice or counsel. Our platform serves to offer general information, insights, and guidance on a wide range of topics, but it is important to note that any information provided should not be construed as legal advice. Legal matters often require specific expertise and knowledge of individual circumstances, which can only be addressed by qualified legal professionals. Therefore, individuals seeking legal guidance should consult with a licensed attorney or legal advisor who can provide tailored advice and representation based on their unique situation and applicable laws.

Online High-Conflict/Anger Management Outline

  • Unit 1 - Understanding Domestic Violence
  • Unit 2 - Managing Anger
  • Unit 3 - Internal Conflict in Domestic Violence Perpetrators
  • Unit 4 - Responding to Your Anger
  • Unit 5 - Domestic Violence and Family
  • Unit 6 - Societal Transitioning
  • Unit 7 - Making Changes

16h Online Behavioral Skills Plus+ — Comprehensive Class Outline

  • Unit 1 - Understanding Domestic Violence
  • Unit 2 - Managing Anger
  • Unit 3 - Internal Conflict in Domestic Violence Perpetrators
  • Unit 4 - Responding to Your Anger — expanded from the 16h class
  • Unit 5 - Domestic Violence and Family
  • Unit 6 - Societal Transitioning — expanded from the 16h class
  • Unit 7 - Making Changes — expanded from the 16h class

26h Online Behavioral Skills Plus+ — Comprehensive Class Outline

  • Unit 1 - Understanding Domestic Violence
  • Unit 2 - Managing Anger
  • Unit 3 - Internal Conflict in Domestic Violence Perpetrators — expanded from the 26h class
  • Unit 4 - Responding to Your Anger — expanded from the 16h class
  • Unit 5 - Domestic Violence and Family
  • Unit 6 - Societal Transitioning — expanded from the 26h class
  • Unit 7 - Making Changes — expanded from the 26h class

32h Online Behavioral Skills Plus+ — Comprehensive Class Outline

  • Unit 1 - Understanding Domestic Violence
  • Unit 2 - Managing Anger
  • Unit 3 - Cognitive Distortion
  • Unit 4 - Internal Conflict in Domestic Violence Perpetrators — expanded from the 26h class
  • Unit 5 - Responding to Your Anger — expanded from the 16h class
  • Unit 6 - Domestic Violence and Family
  • Unit 7 - Societal Transitioning — expanded from the 26h class
  • Unit 8 - Regulating Emotions
  • Unit 9 - Personal Accountability
  • Unit 10 - Boundaries
  • Unit 11 - Mastering Decision-Making
  • Unit 12 - Navigating Social Media
  • Unit 13 - Making Changes — expanded from the 26h class

52h Online Behavioral Skills Plus+ — Comprehensive Class Outline

Contact Us if you would like a comprehensive class outline.

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