We are grateful for the opportunity to serve parents and families in transitions throughout the country, and their feedback means the world to us.
Here, you'll find review testimonials from families who have taken one of our classes firsthand. We hope their stories and experiences inspire confidence in what we do.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
October 14, 2023
It's informative and educational, there were multiple ideas, approaches and ways of doing things that I had no previous understanding of.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
October 14, 2023
The program talks about the impact on kids mental health during high-conflict co-parent scenarios and also, is educating about co-parent behavior and scenarios.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
October 14, 2023
The course is teaching coping mechanisms, teaching about adjustments that need to be made, helping develop a parenting plan based on your household.
12 Hour - Anger / High-Conflict Behavioral Skill Training
October 14, 2023
This course hosts an wide array of perspective and aids in unveiling a broader view of the intricacies of human emotion and solid interactions.
Parenting Skills - Thrive Class
October 14, 2023
I liked learning about temperament and how to deal with each one, sensitive periods and adult and parenting development.
8 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict
October 14, 2023
I liked learning how to write an effective parenting plan and different ways for it and how it doesn't have to be one way. We both can negotiate in it.
6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
October 14, 2023
I like how it broke down each section. Being a single parent for many years helped me validate my feelings. It also opened my eyes up to the things I was doing and being able to change my approach.
12 Hour - Anger / High-Conflict Behavioral Skill Training
October 14, 2023
I really liked that I was able to take my time and learn at my own pace. I took about 35 pages of notes that I'm going to study religiously. I took this very seriously and I really will use the things I learned to continue to grow and learn.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
October 14, 2023
In this program I learned a lot of useful topics and tips on topics that I had not thought about before
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
October 14, 2023
I liked learning about the conflict part and how to handle it, observing our children more and ask how they are feeling about everything.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
October 14, 2023
It made me realize the importance of my kids well being and the harm we as adults can cause our children. There are so many factors in this program that opened my mind and will put in practice in my daily life decisions. All positive!!
12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict
October 13, 2023
It really made you think about all aspects especially the emotional parts. I never put so much thought into my past and my values as I have with this class.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
October 13, 2023
I really liked how the videos explained different situations and how they used different age groups that apply to divorce. I also like how it showed both sides of the parents views on divorce as well.
12 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
October 13, 2023
They covered a lot of information. They advocated for staying out of the court system and gave instruction that should help people be successful for themselves and the children through this process.
12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict
October 13, 2023
I really liked the videos of real people explaining real life conflicts and parenting after a break up. It showed all the different possibilities relationships end but in reality we all have a little bit of each of these issues regardless of what caused the actual ending. It was insightful to see a myriad of discussions about children and different outcomes. I also really like the glass jar with the big hardboiled eggs, cornmeal and beans. I am a visual person so that made a ton of sense to me and my choices in my life.
6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
October 13, 2023
This course offers understanding on the importance of co-parenting and how it affects the children. I wish there was technical advice on how to get someone that doesn’t want to co-parent to participate other than mediation.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
October 13, 2023
I learned a lot of strategies to help me co-parent through difficult situations.
6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
October 13, 2023
It breaks down every aspect of break up to co-parenting to what will the child experience or go through at different ages also how to communicate with your co-parent.
2 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
October 12, 2023
Thanks to this program I've been learning different techniques to have a healthy relationship with the co-parent and the children.
12 Hour - Anger / High-Conflict Behavioral Skill Training
October 12, 2023
I've been learning how my behavior can affect my kids in the long run and managing my anger.
6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
October 12, 2023
I really liked the communication part. I have already started practicing looking at the message, thinking what is the problem, sitting on it and coming up with a clear solution/recommendation. I also very much appreciated to know the different options besides court and what to expect from them. Just an FYI that the legal dictionary link is not working (in the last part of the program in resources).
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
October 12, 2023
I liked learning how to speak to the kids about the divorce and how to manage better communication with my co-partner.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
October 12, 2023
The level of explanation on how kids can feel differently without speaking on things.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
October 12, 2023
I enjoyed learning that all the emotions I feel are normal and that it takes time to handle certain feelings. I enjoyed the toddler information, as well as the parent planning.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
October 12, 2023
It opens your mind and allows you to think more broad in regard to the divorce, custody and how to handle incidents that occur.
6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
October 12, 2023
This program is letting you know everything about co-parents after a divorce or separation, it talks about things that are helpful for different age groups.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
October 12, 2023
What I liked about this course is that you are able to work at your own pace and it didn't sugar coat anything.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
October 12, 2023
I think this program helps you to think about the situations differently with a co-parent. It’s also good to think about what happens after trial and what problems could possibly occur in the future.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
October 12, 2023
It was very detail oriented and covered a vast array of topics that fit every scenario.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
October 12, 2023
Journal entries were helpful, units were very informative and I really like that a licensed therapist or counselor provided advice.
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