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About - Testimonials


What Our Parents Have to Say

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve parents and families in transitions throughout the country, and their feedback means the world to us.

Here, you'll find review testimonials from families who have taken one of our classes firsthand. We hope their stories and experiences inspire confidence in what we do.

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511 to 540 of 2283 testimonials.

6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 29, 2024

Ashley F.

Something I enjoyed about this program was how it explained the different steps that each person will go through during the process; how well it was explained on what to watch out for within the children's feelings and behaviors, after the news.

6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 29, 2024

Christina T.

The journal exercises helped me get my thoughts and feelings down on paper. The videos with the child's perspective really got me thinking about what my children may be going through during this process.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

February 29, 2024

Crystal M.

I really like the way this class helped me to understand how conflict between myself and my child's father can effect the children. I understand that the more I fight, the more I hurt the children. But this class helped me to understand that I can be strong and co-parent in a civil manner and be a positive influence for my children - a role model they are proud of and co-parenting that may be difficult but will get easier with time. I can be happy for my children co-parenting.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 28, 2024

Elizabeth O.

Very informative - teaching different ways people cope with breakups, how to effectively co-parent, how breakups can negatively impact children, what to do to avoid it or watch for signs that they are not coping well.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 28, 2024

Bailey A.

This program gave me a lot of great ideas about how to move forward with my co-parent when they can be reactive and looking for conflict. It has redirected my thought process about my safety and also what my child's needs are.

6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 28, 2024

Dustin R.

I liked the tools for developing a parenting plan and I also liked the encouragement for co-parents to work together to resolve the changes together and focusing on what's best for the children.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

February 28, 2024

Nehemias H.

Giving me many options on how to deal with the things our children will encounter and how to resolve them.

6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 28, 2024

David P.

I liked that it talked about how to deal with my own emotions, communication with my co-parent and coming up with a plan.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 28, 2024

Melvin J.

I really enjoyed the program actually showing me where I have failed as a co-parent and what to do to be better.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 27, 2024

Landon M.

I liked learning about the stages of grief, how to co-parent more effectively, how it's important to take care of yourself to help your child and conflict resolution.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 27, 2024

Derek R.

I just really liked that it was a lot of reflection and learning. Sometimes people get lost and only live in their emotions where this really helped with processing, understanding and self reflection. Ultimately focused on the best interest of the child and that is what is what is most important.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 27, 2024

Alyssa H.

Teaching me other ways to handle things and adjust in better ways for my children.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 27, 2024

Shannon R.

How informative it was and how it really touched on every area that we go through in this process.

2 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 27, 2024

Joshua W.

I enjoyed hearing the children's perspectives on the situation. It helped me look at my kids and wonder on a couple of instances if I got feedback on something. I try to most of the time, but I know I've missed a thing or two.

6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 27, 2024

Samuel V.

It is a good teaching tool for people having issues of getting along and cooperating. It will help parents show they aren't alone in their feelings. It puts the children first and makes some think about how they need to think of the children above themselves and their revenge.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 26, 2024

Dylan K.

I really liked that the program was it through and videos were good helped me reassure myself that most of the things I was doing were right to be a good parent.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 26, 2024

Jaelynn G.

I think that regardless of what side you are on, it's important that parents and families who are going through this are able to use this as a tool and not feel like it's just required. This was a great thing and I learned a lot from it and will implement this in my co-parenting experience.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 26, 2024

Luisana R.

It explained everything I need to know on how my children will react about the process.

6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 26, 2024

Armand S.

It was very informative and gave a ton of great additional resources to use moving forward. I would definitely recommend to someone going though a separation and divorce.

2 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 26, 2024

Mandy W.

Talking about caring for self, children and co-parenting was great. I loved the section on communicating with co-parent and how to remain focused on the topic at hand. The videos were great. Thank you!

6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 26, 2024

Arianna G.

I appreciated that things were explained clearly and simply. This process is already so complicated and full of legal jargon, that it is refreshing for things to be explained in layman's terms.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 25, 2024

Dante F.

A lot of the things talked about were things I've dealt with personally, so I could relate to a lot of it.

8 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

February 25, 2024

Samual B.

I liked the new ideas it brought to the table on making a plan, I didn't think of that. I like the idea of parallel parenting, writing out all the things I wanted, seeing what my son wants with it and writing out to see if it would be something his mom would agree on or maybe some things we could both come to a good conclusion on.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 25, 2024

Bryan S.

Overall, the class has been transformative, offering me not only the knowledge and skills to co-parent more effectively but also the reassurance that I'm not alone in this journey. I liked the practical lessons, quality instruction, focus on children's well-being and additional resources.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 25, 2024

Dale B.

It is very detailed, great videos on real world situations and things that happened, I actually know a lot of this already, but I still learned a lot.

6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 25, 2024

Stephanie M.

It made me feel reassured and the situations I’m currently going through and the emotions I’m currently feeling.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 25, 2024

Paige H.

It helped clarify and validate some of the things I have been struggling with and point out some things that are not okay, like control and manipulation. It helped me to know how to not do some things that are not healthy for my kids.

Parenting Skills - Thrive Class

February 25, 2024

Diana P.

I really like the activities because it gave me an opportunity to look back and remember times I had with my children. It also gave me ideas on what activities to do with my children in the future.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 25, 2024

Andrew S.

I liked the access to resources that are vetted by professionals. The videos are relevant and well done. I also like the handouts that I can use to refer to in the future.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

February 25, 2024

Doris S.

I've learned how to cope with certain things better. Also learned how communicating helps with everything. Keeping kids out of the adult problems.

511 to 540 of 2283 testimonials.
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