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About - Testimonials


What Our Parents Have to Say

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve parents and families in transitions throughout the country, and their feedback means the world to us.

Here, you'll find review testimonials from families who have taken one of our classes firsthand. We hope their stories and experiences inspire confidence in what we do.

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1951 to 1980 of 2283 testimonials.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

December 4, 2022

Nick D.

So informative! I tried to look at myself more than my co-parent while taking this course and really benefited

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

December 3, 2022

Jason K.

I liked the diverse information presented; I wish there was a way to consume it faster as it would have been great to know earlier.

12 Hour - Parenting Skills - Ages 5-13

December 3, 2022

Frank W.

It was exceptionally informative. It allowed me to relate to my childhood as well as my fatherhood. I truly enjoyed the different scenarios and potential pit falls that were pointed out. I was able to see different ways and a new view on how to overcome different situations. I was able to differentiate rights from wrongs and vice versa.

12 Hour - Parenting Skills - Ages 5-13

December 2, 2022

Christian D.

I really liked how it went through parenting from the infant age to the teenager age, I thought that was really helpful in what to expect in the future.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

December 2, 2022

Armondo M.

It showed me how I can make other proposals to come to an agreement or to help resolve issues by the way we speak to each other and for the health of the relationship as co-parents.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

December 1, 2022

Norah S.

It has helped me to learn how important it is to correspond to my co-parent respectfully, clearly and with a response deadline. Also learning about a high-conflict case can have adverse effects on the child.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

December 1, 2022

Andrey M.

It condenses all the issues (or most of them, at least) that I had to face through the years during and after my divorce. Many of the topics I have already worked through on my own and I wish I could take this class earlier, would make things much easier for my kid and everyone involved, including my wallet.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

November 30, 2022

Jason T.

I liked how informative it was on specific topics. I was very intrigued by the functions of the brain, and how stress relates to it overall. I feel I learned a lot from this course

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

November 30, 2022

Agustina T.

I liked learning how to work with my anger, how to respond to angry emails,how to be firm, how to be flexible.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

November 30, 2022

Ambre M.

It made me realize that it's important to keep things in check and ask yourself: " Is this really that important? Am I putting the kids first?" I now am sure that I ask myself those questions when co-parenting. Also, I liked learning about BIFF and the other available resources.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

November 30, 2022

Molli S.

I like that it showed different ways of thinking to deal with situations, emails, emotional behavior of my co-parent and myself. I liked the videos showing real life situation, the reinforcement of the BIFF and also the 4 major stages of emotions.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

November 30, 2022

Justin J.

The program brought up points and ideas that I did not know about previously. It actually makes you think about instances and how the best response should be.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

November 29, 2022

Benjamin J.

I thought this class was incredibly informative and plan on utilizing a lot of the learned information.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

November 29, 2022

Erica R.

I likedt the specific and thorough information about a wide range of co-parenting issues.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

November 29, 2022

Callie C.

I liked the neutrality of the presenter and watching the videos and seeing everything in action.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

November 28, 2022

Danielle I.

I'm just so glad I got to see the two sides and how it effects everybody in a court case.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

November 28, 2022

Jonathan B.

I like the program because I'm definitely going to use most of the information to better myself and try to communicate better with the other co-parent. To create a stable environment for my babies.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

November 27, 2022

Kelly F.

It called out bad behavior that results in conflict issues. It's important for communication in the development of children. I applaud the efforts of this parenting program and pray this will have a positive result in co-parenting for us.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

November 27, 2022

Brithane B.

I like how informative it was , it was very interesting I learned a lot of ways I can be a better parent to my children and the BIFF so I can use in the future.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

November 27, 2022

Trina F.

It really helped in pointing out behaviors I can work on to make situations easier with T when it comes to conflicts with her father.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

November 26, 2022

Anthony M.

The program solidified that my co-parent works in the high-extreme bad behavior world. This program should be offered before meeting a mediator to help the process go smoother.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

November 25, 2022

Kirsten E.

This program really gave me a lot of tools to help me better work with a high-conflict parent and has really shown me ways to mitigate extreme behaviours and even how to react to those. Sometimes, the situation is so horrible that it's hard to not react, but I think I can handle it better in the future.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

November 23, 2022

Jennifer C.

I really appreciated the sections on flexible thinking and learning more about how my own emotions can also influence the other parent’s as well as my children’s emotions.

12 Hour - Anger / High-Conflict Behavioral Skill Training

November 23, 2022

Nick D.

Extremely informative and enlightening. This course has given me more than I ever anticipated. Thank you!

12 Hour - Anger / High-Conflict Behavioral Skill Training

November 21, 2022

Shenna M.

I liked how it is broken up into sections. Doesn't make if feel as long as 12 hours. Has a lot of good information about how to avoid conflict and reduce anger.

New York State Online Parenting Education Class

November 20, 2022

Lloyd H.

Freedom to do the program from home. Creating my own pace to answer questions and to learn.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

November 20, 2022

Kellee F.

I liked that it allowed you to express your feelings in the journal part of the section and that as you go along with the course, it shows you other people who have been there in some of the examples. It shows you that you're not alone and ways you can handle things even when your co-parent is being not very nice and manipulating. It was eye opening and gave me ideas on how to cope with a few things I didn't know how to gracefully handle.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

November 19, 2022

Junnell S.

I learned tools on how to respond to high conflict situations between my co-parent and myself. I learned that while I am making a lot of good co-parenting decisions, I have also made mistakes and have areas in which I need to improve.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

November 18, 2022

Rosalinda U.

I learned a lot of new things, I gained more knowledge that I'm going to take with me on this journey of mine. I can acknowledge some situations and handle them much better

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

November 17, 2022

Rose G.

It made me more aware of how I was the all-or-nothing co-parent at times. It also helped me reflect on how I could do better with my son and have way more patience with him. It helped me learn about my child's brain development and how important it is to make sure my child doesn't see me upset or feeling down.

1951 to 1980 of 2283 testimonials.
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