We are grateful for the opportunity to serve parents and families in transitions throughout the country, and their feedback means the world to us.
Here, you'll find review testimonials from families who have taken one of our classes firsthand. We hope their stories and experiences inspire confidence in what we do.
New York State Online Parenting Education Class
August 9, 2022
I learned a lot of tools to help me in the court as well as when I start to come parent with my daughters father.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
August 9, 2022
Very informative topics that will help me in dealing with a high conflict co-parent.
Parenting Skills - Thrive Class
August 8, 2022
It teaches you about your value as a parent setting rules temperament and how to deal with stress
12 Hour - Anger / High-Conflict Behavioral Skill Training
August 8, 2022
The content in the course is very deep and thought provoking. It taught me to look at different perspectives, give more priority to identifying emotions in myself and others and not just focus on what is being said.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
August 8, 2022
A lot of advice about how to manage emotions and how to see things in other peoples perspective.
12 Hour - Parenting Skills - Ages 13-18
August 8, 2022
It was very definitive and help understand through certain scenarios.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
August 8, 2022
This is a much better course for situations with DV and high conflict than the court ordered class I had to take.
12 Hour - Parenting Skills - Ages 5-13
August 5, 2022
Enjoyed professional and speakers. Speaking about their experiences about the subject/topics.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
August 4, 2022
I've learned how to solve problems, how to react to a situation, how to help myself and my children, what should I focus on to reach an agreement, how to protect my children from couple conflicts, how to make proposals, who to turn to for help to clarify my doubts.
August 4, 2022
I liked how it gave the different age groups so I can apply this all the way up until they're adults.
12 Hour - Parenting Skills - Ages 13-18
August 4, 2022
I loved the info it gave me it will help me out big time in the long run and know.
16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting
August 4, 2022
This course taught me ways in which I can improve myself, how to improve and handle my co-parent and my relationship with my daughter.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
August 3, 2022
It was very informative and could be taken at your own pace
16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting
August 2, 2022
The BIFF was very very helpful and learning about the different “co parent” titles
8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
August 2, 2022
I liked all the information about managing emotions and how to respond to extreme emotions
12 Hour - Parenting Skills - Ages 13-18
August 2, 2022
It was a great program overall and a good refresher for things to keep in mind for the healthy and positive development of our kids.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
August 2, 2022
Its broken down in an great progression to parenting and dealing of potential problems that may rise with co parenting.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
August 2, 2022
The BIFF method is really great advice. Also breaking down the types of high conflict co-parents and the way the course is written helps me to see more clearly the ways in which I have mis-stepped in trying to manage a person who has displayed 3-4 of those traits from each type. I am encouraged that the information presented in units 1-4 especially will help me not get drawn into emotional memories and will help me stay on task when communicating with the co-parent.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
August 1, 2022
I learned so much from this program I’ll be the best mom ever.
16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting
August 1, 2022
There were subjects relating to the well being of my child, such as what harm potential harm custody cases can have on our children. As well as opening my mind to changes i can make as a father even if i feel like I'm doing the right thing for our daughter there could still be work done. It doesn't hurt having the knowledge to be an even better father as well as a co-parent. lastly the videos helped out as well for me to see it live working thru things in a health, legal kind of way. Not sure if it was real sessions, none the less gained some knowledge from it.
8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
August 1, 2022
I thought the effects on the baby brain was really interesting. I also found the process of mediation really helpful.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
July 31, 2022
I really liked the examples given and how they broke down what to expect so thoroughly on so many helpful topics.
12 Hour - Parenting Skills - Ages 5-13
July 31, 2022
This program helped me obtained some skills that I can use appropriately in everyday parenting.
16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting
July 31, 2022
Learned a lot about parenting and how to co parent better.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
July 31, 2022
I learned how to deal with the other parent, also how to control anger, anger, not only with the other parent in my daily life.
New York State Online Parenting Education Class
July 31, 2022
It felt like all the material was relevant to me and I am not alone.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
July 31, 2022
I liked that everything was explained well and easy to understand using real world examples.
8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
July 31, 2022
Many tips on how to deal with a high conflict parent and ideas and tips on compromise. In addition many helpful explanations on child psychology and what is best for the children.
16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting
July 31, 2022
I like the fact that this program is very informative, detailed and somewhat entertaining.
8 Hour - Anger / High-Conflict Behavioral Skill Training
July 30, 2022
Made me self reflect on how I present and handle myself.
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