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About - Testimonials


What Our Parents Have to Say

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve parents and families in transitions throughout the country, and their feedback means the world to us.

Here, you'll find review testimonials from families who have taken one of our classes firsthand. We hope their stories and experiences inspire confidence in what we do.

Showing testimonials for 16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting class. Show all.
1 to 30 of 30 testimonials.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

October 30, 2024

Miguel F.

I liked how accurate the information was when describing different personalities and how it directly affects the children. I liked the emphasis on none of this being the children’s fault.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

October 17, 2024

Alexandre S.

This program was extremely thorough about my real life issues that I am going through right now. It has taught me many things that I can do to protect myself and my children from everything that we experience in our day to day life. I liked learning about the BIFF response, the difference between moderate and extreme behaviors. I thought learning about how to do deal with a high conflict co-parent will help me deal with a lot of different situations that may arise and it can help me stay adamant about doing what is best for my family.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

September 24, 2024

Katie S.

I liked the journal entries that made you think about your own situation and how to apply what you are learning.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

September 5, 2024

Pasquale M.

It did teach me a lot about extreme vs. moderate parenting. I never thought of it like that before taking this course. I truly do want to get to a point where I can have moderate parenting with my co-parent.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

September 3, 2024

Sarah K.

Open and honest discussions, with a solutions oriented approach and not a blame game.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

August 30, 2024

Erica G.

It helped heal some wounds, it helped me bring up feelings I needed to talk thru and deal with, it educated me and enlightened me to do better and be better for myself and my children and work for a better co-parenting relationship even when the other is not ready but I can be a better example.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

August 30, 2024

Danielle H.

I really enjoyed the videos, especially the ones with the children's point of view. It was really eye opening and taught me a lot about my flexible thinking, managing my emotions, coping with stress and controlling my behaviors.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

August 2, 2024

Sabrina L.

It's very informative and repeats what's most important like the BIFF method as well as reminding me that we must control what we can instead of the other person and laying blame will not help anyone.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

June 4, 2024

Robert B.

I really liked the videos, they were very informative and concise. They really drove home the material in a way that was very practical.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

May 27, 2024

Jeremiah K.

The way it breaks down the differences between all or nothing and flexible thinking and getting a better understanding of the true meaning behind co-parenting. Keeping everything in the best interest of the children and not making it a personal battle between you and your co-parent.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

March 13, 2024

Stephen G.

I liked how it taught me that there are other ways to get a desired outcome in this process. I learned that being a good dad and loving father is one of the most important things to keep in mind when I need to manage my emotions during this process.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

February 6, 2024

Tran H.

Very informative: I know what it takes to help my child, even though in my best discretion may not be the fittest to my child. I learn to let my difficult spouse goes his own way and take my part in my child's development.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

January 28, 2024

Timothy G.

Insight to flexible-thinking, managed emotions, moderate behaviors and checking yourself.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

January 22, 2024

Cristina F.

It helped me see the areas where I should use flexible thinking and areas I should check myself.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

January 2, 2024

Maximiliano D.

I liked how descriptive the class was about ways to work better with my co-parent and also using moderate behaviors to help over extreme behavior through things.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

December 21, 2023

Yeni S.

It helped me communicate better with my co-parent and understand the behaviors.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

December 11, 2023

Efrain R.

I liked learning how we should co-parent for our kids and let it go. The past is the past, what’s important here is that our children learn how to manage extreme behaviors. We learned how to explain to our kids when it’s best to use moderate behavior and not extreme behavior for the consequences.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

November 28, 2023

Kaecia E.

It was informative. I found it validating to my parenting style and the intentions I've operated with throughout the divorce process and learned new skills that I've already notice has helped me. The alienation portions I found very informative. Even though this is an area I work very hard in I was able to see ways I can improve for the sake of my kids.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

November 24, 2023

Cristhian C.

Promoting the cultivation of flexible thinking and imparting this skill to our child is a key aspect of effective parenting. It involves the ability to adapt to new situations, consider alternative perspectives and find constructive solutions to challenges. This approach encourages resilience and a positive mindset in our child, fostering their emotional intelligence and problem-solving abilities. Moreover, an integral component of this process is the recognition of moments when we, as parents, might be prone to overreacting or engaging in all-or-nothing thinking. By acknowledging these tendencies within ourselves, we can model for our child the importance of self-awareness and the capacity for personal growth. This self-awareness is not only beneficial for our own emotional well-being but also contributes to creating a supportive and understanding family environment. In essence, the emphasis on flexible thinking serves as a foundational skill that extends beyond immediate problem-solving. It lays the groundwork for our child's development, instilling in them the capacity to navigate life's complexities with adaptability and a balanced perspective.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

November 23, 2023

Nova E.

It showed me the areas I can do better in. It showed me how I could be hurting the children without realizing it. It showed me how to a handle high-conflict person and or situation. It showed me how the children feel. It showed me how it affects their brain. This program has helped me tremendously!

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

November 7, 2023

Krysta L.

I like the BIFF recommendation. I like the guidance broken down by age specifications. I find that very helpful. Thank you!

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

October 28, 2023

Tina V.

I liked learning how to recognize flexible thinking and all-nothing thinking, moderate thinking and extreme thinking.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

October 25, 2023

Monica P.

I really like the different scenarios and helping me just open up my mind to flexible thinking and moderate behavior. I was unaware of these life skills and I will put them to work.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

October 17, 2023

Anjali R.

I liked learning about: the BIFF response, management of emotions techniques, categorization of four types of high-conflict parents and how to help children identify manage their emotions.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

September 30, 2023

Raymond S.

The way that it covered so many areas of parenting and the flexible thinking discussions were amazing.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

September 30, 2023

Arturo j L.

The clear information and documents that they created are great. All the cases and examples are from real-life situations.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

August 30, 2023

Saul N.

I learned a lot about how I need to focus on the things I can control and not on the things I can’t control.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

August 21, 2023

Emily B.

I liked how you have to engage with each lesson to continue and how varied explanations for different situations were offered throughout the course.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

August 19, 2023

Mariah S.

I really enjoyed how interactive the program was, it makes you think about topics that I personally haven't thought about. I also enjoy all of the handouts that are given. I look forward to using these as tools when parenting and co-parenting

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

August 10, 2023

Theresa G.

This program helped me learn new things about how to teach children about divorce/separation and how handle their emotions.

1 to 30 of 99 testimonials.
Showing testimonials for 16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting class. Show all.

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