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About - Testimonials


What Our Parents Have to Say

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve parents and families in transitions throughout the country, and their feedback means the world to us.

Here, you'll find review testimonials from families who have taken one of our classes firsthand. We hope their stories and experiences inspire confidence in what we do.

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2341 to 2370 of 30 testimonials.

Parenting Skills - Thrive - Child Welfare

October 26, 2023

Jennifer M.

This module provided so much information to help assist parents with their children so that it has more of a positive outcome.

16 Hour High-Conflict Co-Parenting

October 25, 2023

Monica P.

I really like the different scenarios and helping me just open up my mind to flexible thinking and moderate behavior. I was unaware of these life skills and I will put them to work.

6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 25, 2023

Michael W.

I liked the journal entries that made me think through and make communicable the things I want, care about and am afraid of. Also, the basic info on logistics and accepted practices, usable resources.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 25, 2023

Richard P.

I liked the details in each section and the focus on making sure the child is taken care of; also, the information about how the process works and to try to make a decision before going to court.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 25, 2023

Azucena P.

I really liked clear way of talking to the parents about how to handle the situation with the other parent on the subject of the children.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 25, 2023

Ricardo B.

I think this should be mandatory or a similar class before having children and/or if coming into step children parenting.

2 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 25, 2023

Khansaa L.

It has taught me new things and how to deal with different aspects of the post divorce and parenting.

6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 25, 2023

Ashley F.

It made me live my emotions I’ve yet to feel because I’ve been in parent mode non-stop.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 25, 2023

Amanda S.

It teaches you a lot about things you don’t normally think about, things that your children think and go through during these type of processes. It has good examples and explanations of the situation.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

October 24, 2023

Jazmine H.

Honestly this program was, at times, hard to get through. Talking about some difficult moments in my life hasn’t been easy. Discussing many issues that are currently ongoing have also been difficult. Overall, I am thankful for all the knowledge that’s provided throughout the courses. The example videos were very helping and relatable. The flexible thinking and BIFF responses I found to be extremely helpful techniques.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 24, 2023

Parker E.

I really liked the videos and the questions that followed the videos. They really made me think about the situation and the best tactics to apply in the moment.

12 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 24, 2023

Emilio V.

What I liked was that it did made me think more in depth about topics that didn't even cross my mind.

6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 24, 2023

Kiersten B.

I liked learning about the violence wheel, it opened up my eyes to covert abuse that was happening and I didn’t realize it.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 24, 2023

Allison C.

I liked how they explained multiple different options and it wasn't just court or out of court. It also explained every type of relationship of co-parents in between. The resources were very helpful as well.

10 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 24, 2023

Raymond G.

This program will help parents in need, through the divorce process. This will also help the children through the process.

12 Hour - Anger / High-Conflict Behavioral Skill Training

October 24, 2023

Raul M.

The program is about conflict resolution, forgiveness, respect, love, understanding, responsibility, autonomy, preservation of family values.

2 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 24, 2023

David P.

I liked the videos explaining concepts that were new to me in regards of co-parenting or the ones explaining things to my children.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

October 24, 2023

Jonathon R.

I liked how well the videos were clear in communicating and understanding of the topic at hand. It stuck to the topic for a long period of time and asked a bunch of questions and made me write down thoughts, rather than just the multiple choice so it made me pay more attention to my answers and to the information I was being presented.

6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 24, 2023

Kelley R.

It talked about the good the bad and the ugly when going through a divorce and gave really excellent advice on what to do, how to do it. It continued to reiterate that this has nothing to do with the parents and everything to do with the child. This course has taught me to be calm, patient and to answer our child's questions within reason. This was a great course and has a lot of great resources attached to it. Thank you for helping not just me but my son through this difficult and trying time.

8 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

October 24, 2023

Nathan B.

I really liked the videos and the way they portrayed the pain that goes along with separation and divorce. I also liked that it was realistic, especially when the kids were talking, this put things into perspective.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 24, 2023

Rodney P.

How in depth the program was and all the information that was given was very useful and well needed.

6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 24, 2023

Mark A.

It is very thorough on the things to expect after the separation and what things you can do, such a plan put in place with the co-parent to make things better.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

October 24, 2023

Krystal T.

I really like the help with responses to with a high conflict co-partner.

12 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 23, 2023

Carlos andres S.

I've learned how to treat my ex-partner and how to handle the situation with my son. I liked the dynamics of each topic with the exams, questions and videos.

Parenting Skills - Thrive - Cooperating with Parenting Partners

October 23, 2023

Justin S.

It gave some me some really good ideas about things to try with my ex so we can be better co-parents.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 23, 2023

Carlos alberto P.

It helped me understand and see where I was failing and to know how to seek help, as it is never too late to seek help from professionals.

New York State Online Parenting Education Class

October 23, 2023

Alan R.

I was well informed of what’s ahead and I feel I was shown some tools to cope with that.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 23, 2023

Christina A.

I liked how the program talked about how to take care of each child at different ages.

6 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 23, 2023

Megen S.

I thought this program was beneficial. It gave good advice on how to deal best with this break up. It pointed out ways to help me get trough it that I hadn't thought of. Like, as the one who was left, do not communicate your feelings to them anymore. And, it is not my responsibility to make sure he keeps his relationship with our kids intact. That is no longer my job.

4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class

October 23, 2023

Brian R.

The extensive information on how to move forward with the best interest of your kid(s) at the center - of everything.

2341 to 2370 of 3418 testimonials.
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