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About - Testimonials


What Our Parents Have to Say

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve parents and families in transitions throughout the country, and their feedback means the world to us.

Here, you'll find review testimonials from families who have taken one of our classes firsthand. We hope their stories and experiences inspire confidence in what we do.

Showing testimonials for 12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict class. Show all.
31 to 60 of 123 testimonials.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

May 10, 2024

Dustin R.

I found value in the High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict program and Here are some aspects I appreciated: Practical Strategies: The program provided practical strategies and techniques for navigating high-conflict co-parenting situations. Learning specific tools to manage conflict and communicate effectively can be incredibly empowering for co-parents facing challenging dynamics. Focus on Children's Well-being: It emphasized the importance of prioritizing the well-being of the children above all else. This focus on the children's needs can help co-parents shift their perspective away from personal conflicts and towards creating a supportive and stable environment for their children. Emphasis on Communication: Effective communication is often a cornerstone of successful co-parenting, particularly in high-conflict situations. This program highlighted the importance of clear, respectful and consistent communication between co-parents, providing strategies for improving communication skills and resolving conflicts peacefully. Flexibility and Adaptability: In high-conflict co-parenting situations, flexibility and adaptability are essential for navigating changing circumstances and resolving disputes. The program emphasized the importance of remaining flexible in parenting arrangements and being willing to compromise for the sake of the children's well-being. Conflict Resolution Techniques: Learning how to effectively manage and resolve conflicts can be transformative for co-parents in high-conflict situations. The program provided techniques for de-escalating conflicts, finding common ground and reaching mutually acceptable solutions. Supportive Community: Engaging with a supportive community of co-parents facing similar challenges is incredibly validating and reassuring. The program provided opportunities for co-parents to connect with others, share experiences and offer support and encouragement to one another.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

May 10, 2024

Bobbi C.

It helped me understand more about the neurological process that the children go through during this. I knew it affects them and the signs, but not the scientific side of it all.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

May 9, 2024

Abbey B.

It was informative but I can only take what I've learned. I don't know about my co-parent.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

May 8, 2024

Alexander M.

I like the communication skills and discussion around the grief cycle. However, this class did not take into account that we have been separated and broken up for 5 years. We have also be through a full divorce trial with custody and child support order. We also had another child support order in 2022. Now we are onto a contempt and modification hearing in 2024. So I believe us both to be way past dealing with the break up which this class largely focuses on. Additionally our daughter has been going back and forth between houses since November 2018 so I think she is well adjusted and understanding at this point.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

May 8, 2024

Monika M.

I learned how to cope better in situations that I feel overwhelmed and I learned communication strategies.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

May 6, 2024

Cynthia C.

There is good material here for most people. I appreciate the use of ACEs and the communication techniques. For me I have done a lot of prior work, counseling and studying so it was repetitive but always still useful and true.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

April 27, 2024

Alan A.

Learning how relationship conflict in front of children affects the children involved, learning how to communicate effectively with my co-parent, how to build a parenting plan and what to include.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

April 24, 2024

Darla D.

It really hit home with many topics. It was helpful to hear advice and to see that you are not alone in this process.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

April 22, 2024

Jason M.

The breadth of topics covered and especially the worksheet on developing a parenting plan. I used that to draft one and provided it to the court.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

April 19, 2024

Natasha W.

It’s a lot of great information and I like that it gives you sources to look up for more information as well. Gives you a lot to think about.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

April 16, 2024

Benjamin F.

I have learned a lot about how to keep the child focused during this process of transitioning to co-parenting. Also got some good ideas on how to manage interactions with co-parent and how to set up the parenting plan to either limit or make those interactions easier.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

April 15, 2024

Christopher L.

I like the nature in which it is set up and the ability to come and go as pleased because of the longevity of the course. I appreciated the in-depth discussions and details for working together and figuring out the best plan for the well-being and best interest of our child.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

April 14, 2024

Adrian G.

It really helped me with the grieving process of the break-up and gave me great ideas to use with my kids and co-parent.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

April 11, 2024

Gary N.

I learned a lot of information from this class that I was very unaware of. I also learned some good tools to use when it’s comes to conflict with my co-parent and how to handle the situations.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

April 10, 2024

Brittany S.

I appreciated how well this program broke down all the stages both parents and children will go through throughout the break-up. I also appreciated all the tips and advice it provided to navigate the different stages.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

March 28, 2024

Cherissa T.

The emphasis on tools for dealing with high-conflict people healthily without involving the children and on self-care during the divorce process are some things I liked about the program.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

March 26, 2024

Brianna C.

I liked how they discussed taking care of yourself and giving ways to help cope with the transitions. I like that this is more new school teaching like putting the family first and not just the child even though it's important but it's more understanding for a family as a whole.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

March 25, 2024

Amanda F.

I gained many useful tools regarding communication. It made me look harder at myself and my flaws. It helped me formulate a game plan for when it comes time for us to create our parenting plan.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

March 19, 2024

Christopher W.

I thought this class was amazing. The mix of informational videos and the text really helped keep me engaged. Also, the quizzes really helped me test my knowledge.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

March 16, 2024

Cassandra K.

It gave me some very useful information and tools not only to help myself but help my daughter as well. I really think it gave some useful tools for communicating with my co-parent as well and hopefully we can use them to start communicating with each other better.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

March 15, 2024

Cristina S.

It really opened up my eyes about this whole process and the steps I can take to go forward with my child and make this a growing experience instead of a hurtful one.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

March 13, 2024

Lindsay H.

It was very thorough. I appreciate that it covered not only conflict resolution, but also caring for your kids and understanding why you may have trouble dealing with conflict.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

March 12, 2024

Megan R.

This program opened my eyes more than I ever thought it would. I felt like I knew a lot before this class, and I came away with learning a lot more.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

March 9, 2024

Clement I.

It teaches how to be clam in situations that are beyond control. Also through this class I have been able to understand what’s the meaning of parallel co-parenting.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

March 8, 2024

Katelyn W.

It was a good overview of communication, well-being, mental health, coping, break-ups and parenting plans. It was very helpful.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

March 6, 2024

Tessa H.

I liked the videos and demonstrations. The journal entries were helpful for me to apply my learning to my situation versus to hypothetical situations only.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

March 5, 2024

Beverly G.

I liked how informative this program was. It really had me thinking. I also learned a lot about child development and co-parenting.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

March 3, 2024

Priscilla X.

I really liked learning about how children can be affected after parents' breakup and how to help them cope with the new changes. I learned to be open minded and will be using the tools to help our family grow.

12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict

March 1, 2024

Lindsay S.

I liked some of the metaphors and the videos made me me feel like my situation was "average bad" instead of "over the top bad".

31 to 60 of 123 testimonials.
Showing testimonials for 12 Hour - High-Conflict Co-Parenting - Co-Parenting Without Conflict class. Show all.

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