We are grateful for the opportunity to serve parents and families in transitions throughout the country, and their feedback means the world to us.
Here, you'll find review testimonials from families who have taken one of our classes firsthand. We hope their stories and experiences inspire confidence in what we do.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
November 27, 2022
I like how informative it was , it was very interesting I learned a lot of ways I can be a better parent to my children and the BIFF so I can use in the future.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
November 26, 2022
The program solidified that my co-parent works in the high-extreme bad behavior world. This program should be offered before meeting a mediator to help the process go smoother.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
November 25, 2022
This program really gave me a lot of tools to help me better work with a high-conflict parent and has really shown me ways to mitigate extreme behaviours and even how to react to those. Sometimes, the situation is so horrible that it's hard to not react, but I think I can handle it better in the future.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
November 23, 2022
I really appreciated the sections on flexible thinking and learning more about how my own emotions can also influence the other parent’s as well as my children’s emotions.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
November 20, 2022
I liked that it allowed you to express your feelings in the journal part of the section and that as you go along with the course, it shows you other people who have been there in some of the examples. It shows you that you're not alone and ways you can handle things even when your co-parent is being not very nice and manipulating. It was eye opening and gave me ideas on how to cope with a few things I didn't know how to gracefully handle.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
November 19, 2022
I learned tools on how to respond to high conflict situations between my co-parent and myself. I learned that while I am making a lot of good co-parenting decisions, I have also made mistakes and have areas in which I need to improve.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
November 15, 2022
The opportunity to fully understand that co parent and I are not the only ones that sometimes struggle communicating. One of my favorite parts in that regard is flexible thinking and the BIFF method.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
November 13, 2022
This program taught me a lot different forms of thinking. Excellent ways to stay clam when deal with the entire situation at hand.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
November 13, 2022
I liked the information about parenting schedules and recommending counseling for co-parents. I have already tried to do this in the past so it really validated that I have been trying to do the right thing by seeking outside help.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
November 12, 2022
I really think that this class is going to beneficial in our co-parenting journey. It helped me realize a lot about myself and my co-parent partner and how we have different parenting styles. I have always used flexible thinking and I just hope that this class will open my co-parents mind and he will use flexible thinking as well. I am not here to be anyone's enemy I just want to be able to help push our son forward in life as well. I will continue to manage my emotions especially when the children are around.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
November 11, 2022
Finding out how to handle conflict in an objective way. Following the BIFF method and identifying behaviors of what constitutes as a high-conflict parent.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
November 6, 2022
I like that the program acknowledged that sometimes you are dealing with a high-conflict co-parent and it is not always both parents causing the toxicity. Following from that, I appreciated the concrete tips given on ways to cope with that.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
November 4, 2022
It covered a wide variety of content that I found very applicable to my co-parenting situation. I also enjoyed the videos and how scenarios were portrayed in a realistic fashion. They also boiled down some of the complexities that can seem overwhelming at the time you're going through them. I wish I had seen some of this BEFORE we signed our consent order, as I think I would have taken more time to process things instead of feeling pressured to come to an agreement by the end of the day.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
November 2, 2022
I learned a lot about flexible thinking and moderate behavior. I act on my emotions way to quickly and learning it can take 30 minutes to calm down was eye opening. I feel I can be much calmer during the process as well after completing the program.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
November 2, 2022
I liked learning about the psychology of a high-conflict co-parent and insight on the court's overall opinion of certain behaviors during a hearing and mediation.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
October 31, 2022
I really liked how it showed different scenarios and situations. Also, the different ways of communication skills.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
October 31, 2022
I like the advice on how to deal with a high conflict coparent and ways to respond to a very supior personality
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
October 28, 2022
I loved that it put the focus not on what your co-parent was doing, but empowered you with tools to manage your emotions and your reactions.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
October 28, 2022
There are a couple of things that I liked: the examples it gave on being flexible, the what to do and what not to do when visiting with our children, the videos.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
October 27, 2022
I like the structured approach of the course, requesting me to write down responses about each lesson and how that applied to my situation. It also confirmed a lot of things that I have learned throughout my custodial process.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
October 26, 2022
Repetition of the key skill sets, namely the Four Big Skills, and BIFF. The situational quizzes are helpful. The lengthy discussions on what it's like to be in a high-conflict case, and how one can be fall into being labeled high-conflict just through advocating for their relationship with their child(ren).
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
October 26, 2022
Understanding the BIFF and how using BIFF responses to my co-parent will not typically escalate situations or decisions. Helping my children cope with the divorce process by using the 4 BIG SKILLS and applying them myself.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
October 25, 2022
The information about the effect of stress on the child’s developing brain. The BIFF acronym is very useful and I’ve used it in many areas of life and feel it’s been beneficial in me being clear, confident, concise and kind. The 4 Big Skills are life lessons that the world would be so much better off if we were all practicing. It has helped me in many ways and I hope it helps my co-parent too. It was interesting and I always felt I was learning with the detailed information given. I am grateful to have taken this class. Thank you!
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
October 24, 2022
I learned a lot about parenting and what to look for in the future. It gave me a lot of tips and new ideas moving forward.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
October 23, 2022
I liked the way the course was set up with both reading and watching videos. Along with the practice quizzes.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
October 21, 2022
It enlightened me on many ways of thinking. There are a lot of different ways I can go about my daily life with my son now. This course taught me how how to be understanding and have different train of thoughts that I was having before.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
October 19, 2022
The research it included, and the helpful example videos. It did a great job of putting things into perspective for me.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
October 18, 2022
The amount of new information I got on flexible thinking. And really making me think about the situation in a bigger picture.
12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict
October 18, 2022
I like the calm presentation style of the facilitator. Additionally I like how the course emphasizes the importance of learning these skills so that at least one parent can be appropriate. There were many useful tips on how to write more effective emails to coparents and how to be the best parent possible, even in a difficult situation with a high conflict parent.
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