We are grateful for the opportunity to serve parents and families in transitions throughout the country, and their feedback means the world to us.
Here, you'll find review testimonials from families who have taken one of our classes firsthand. We hope their stories and experiences inspire confidence in what we do.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 19, 2024
I really liked that there were videos giving examples of everything I was learning.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 19, 2024
I like to learn different ways to cope with a break up and having to help my children cope as well.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 19, 2024
I really wish this was available 5 years ago; I really liked managing conflict and transitions as it stressed working together.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 18, 2024
I learned some good things about communicating and some skills to help the kids cope with the changes happening.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 18, 2024
It was really convenient with my busy life and schedule. Being able to piece it out while I still got to spend time with my family. Thank you!
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 18, 2024
The website was easy to navigate, it is clean and modern. The videos were short and simple to understand the point. Direct and clear program.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 18, 2024
I liked the flow of the class, even though it took me a lot longer than 4 hours I was able to follow along with the content easily. I think the small unit quizzes help to make sure you're grasping the content presented as well.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 18, 2024
Watching the scenarios and seeing the emotions on each character gives me a more sense of clarity on how stressful divorce is to myself and my children.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 18, 2024
Somethings I really liked about this program include its emphasis on self-care as a foundation for effective parenting. It reinforced the importance of addressing my own needs before focusing on my children, highlighting the necessity of "putting the gas mask on yourself first." The program’s blend of theory and practical videos was invaluable and hearing children from various age groups share their experiences of divorce provided powerful insights into their perspectives.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 18, 2024
Easy to navigate and flexible. The program allowed you to take the time to reflect and process where you are in your separation/divorce by journaling your thoughts. There were additional resources provided for more in depth discussions to explore further.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 17, 2024
The new things I learned. Overall view on this course. The way is was setup. The convenience of taking the course online and being able to take my time doing this course at my own pace.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 17, 2024
Watching videos of how different people deal with their issues and also the breakdown of stages dealing with divorce.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 16, 2024
One of the important aspects that I like about this program is that I learned more importance and knowledge about how children are affected in parent breakups/disagreements.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 15, 2024
I learned a lot and I suggested to anyone that’s trying to get their parenting together.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 15, 2024
I learned new strategies and skills that I can use and apply to my relationship with the co-parent. I have learned ways to manage my emotions and feelings. I have learned managing as a single parent and to use words to express my ideas.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 15, 2024
Teaching the different stages of a break-up and showing you a video from a kids point of view of how they feel when being put in the middle of any fight.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 15, 2024
Well, there are many things, for example, when it comes to children, talking calmly and quietly without fighting, both parents supporting some of the children's decisions, for example if they want an activity or a sport, talking separately and supporting them, trying to make sure that both parents are in constant contact with them, that what happens is not their fault and that both parents love them very much and making them understand that they will not be alone all the time.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 15, 2024
I liked the parenting plan and communication section of the program.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 14, 2024
I learned a lot of good information. The importance of being emotionally strong and dealing with the pain of divorce for myself will benefit the children more then I was aware of before. The focus in general on how to co-parent successfully and what is best for the children was great.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 14, 2024
It was very clear and provided a lot of helpful information and resources.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 13, 2024
It was very in-depth and thorough in explaining the varying stages of break-ups, as well as what sort of parenting and co-parenting plans need to be thought about and planned out for the sake of the children's lives and what's in their best interests.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 12, 2024
The online software was very user friendly and full of great information. This was a great course and I learned many new things.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 12, 2024
The way they explain things from both sides there is no sides in this class so it gives me hope going into the process.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 12, 2024
The information on mediation and stressors for children and what to look for. I also liked the information on why a child might be pulling away from other parent.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 12, 2024
Being able to interact by answering questions and also being able to reflect on the topics.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 12, 2024
It made me open my eyes to things that I would not normally think of. The worksheets to do outside of the program really helped.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 12, 2024
The many different tools, resources and scenarios of other people going through a separation or divorce with children.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 11, 2024
Is learning that what I’m going through is normal and I can get through this even if my co-partner doesn’t cooperate.
4 Hour - Co-Parenting / Divorce Class
August 11, 2024
I felt this class was really informative and gave me a lot of tools to move forward with my co-parent with communication and developing a family plan and realizing that I needed a mediator as well as my attorney.
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