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About - Testimonials


What Our Parents Have to Say

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve parents and families in transitions throughout the country, and their feedback means the world to us.

Here, you'll find review testimonials from families who have taken one of our classes firsthand. We hope their stories and experiences inspire confidence in what we do.

Showing testimonials for 12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict class. Show all.
271 to 300 of 535 testimonials.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 20, 2023

Stephanie S.

This program really taught me on how to manage my emotions during stressful times such as mediation or court for instance. I am now able to check myself, use moderate behaviors, manage my emotions and use flexible thinking

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 19, 2023

Deborah C.

I liked that it was self-paced. There was great information in it.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 19, 2023

Trina L.

A lot of good information I didn't know. Research from Harvard on stress in children was interesting. BIFF helpful. 5 types of co-parents was very interesting relating to personality types.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 19, 2023

Ramon S.

All the topics are very good but what I liked the most was the advice on how to be a better father

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 19, 2023

Emma P.

Knowing that my son can also learn the things that I am going to implement in my behavior and reactions and the most important thing is that I discovered that I can prevent my son from being alienated only by working on my relationship of love and communication with him.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 18, 2023

Jorge B.

I really appreciated the explanation on how a lack of controlled emotions exposed to my children could make a dramatic difference in the shaping of who they are.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 17, 2023

Tessa S.

They discuss all the different types of conflicts that may arise during a divorce and custody battle.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 13, 2023

Sabryna B.

I liked how it taught us about the brain and why we need to try to calm ourselves so we can problem-solve. I also liked how to manage my emotion. how to check me. learning how my emotion affect my children

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 13, 2023

Daniel C.

I liked that it summed up many of the topics I read about online and in high conflict divorce books. It was nice to see them using BIFF, as I had already been attempting to include it in my messages. I like the 4 big skills and a the focus on temperance.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 13, 2023

Sondra C.

Biff method, flexible thinking, moderate behavior, how to really interact with my co-parent who is difficult.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 13, 2023

Elise N.

I learned more about meditation and how to properly address a high conflict parent and when to introduce and not introduce new things to high conflict co-parent.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 12, 2023

Michael A.

I really like the range of topics I learned in this program. I really learned so much and will be able to use these methods in my upcoming case with my co parent.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 12, 2023

Gulneet K.

I liked how it covered so many different aspects of co-parenting and gave practical knowledge.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 12, 2023

Christine R.

The BIFF response is very beneficial to know how to stay on the subject and not use emotional thinking. The 4 Big Skills is something I learned to do in confrontation by the co-parent when we were living with him and it helped me know I was correct in that.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 12, 2023

Nancy j L.

Very informative, fool proof and set up for success. Information was very intriguing as well as accurate.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 11, 2023

Daniela L.

I really liked how it explained how to deal and react to a co parent who isn’t willing to change and helps you use flexible thinking

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 10, 2023

Stephen R.

The information was presented in a way that was easily understood and absorbed. I enjoyed the exams at the end of each unit.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 8, 2023

James C.

The program helped me understand that my co-parent may be reacting on emotions and that it isn't a fault of my own. I also find the BIFF responses to be very helpful in dealing with stressful and angry messages. The big four skills are also something that I will remember during the mediation process, to help stay calm and reach an agreement with my co-parent.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 3, 2023

Michele T.

This program is extremely informative. Literally, every single thought/scenario that I’ve had/wondered about myself was discussed and explained within this course. It’s great!

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 2, 2023

Kyle B.

I like how they dive into every aspect about the problems you are facing or could potentially face

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

March 1, 2023

Francisca W.

I learned a lot and am still learning a lot of different things to help with co-parenting.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

February 26, 2023

Le-ann V.

Cover's alot. I have taken many voluntarily programs and none of them compare to the extensiveness of this. For both coparents to be assigned to take this from the court at the very beginning would have saved a ton of money, grief, pain and most importantly all of the pressure that my child has been under.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

February 26, 2023

Pamela L.

I learned a lot I thought I had already knew quite a bit from being married and divorced previously, but I have learned new skills with this class to use with both of my kids dads.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

February 26, 2023

Kristina M.

I enjoyed learning about the different types of high conflict parents and how to respond to them. I liked learning how to use a BIFF response.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

February 25, 2023

Hamed K.

It addressed many of the issues I have been having. I learned how to deal with certain topics and situations.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

February 24, 2023

Josephine A.

It reinforced the use of a few good strategies again and again (BIFF statements and 4 big skills) which made them memorable and likely to be used.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

February 22, 2023

Levon B.

I liked the information. I believe all couples going through separation or divorce should take this course. Aside from learning legal side of divorce, this course teaches you awesome skills on how to manage your behavior and raise your children when going through separation.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

February 20, 2023

Kimberly J.

I loved all the videos because it portrayed a realistic situation. I also enjoyed all the content. I am confident this will help my family.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

February 20, 2023

Eduardo R.

I learned about managing emotions, flexible thinking, moderate behavior and checking my self.

12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

February 19, 2023

Janna C.

The beginning was very good. A lot of information, very thorough. Repeats and grows so you retain the information

271 to 300 of 535 testimonials.
Showing testimonials for 12 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict class. Show all.

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