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About - Testimonials


What Our Parents Have to Say

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve parents and families in transitions throughout the country, and their feedback means the world to us.

Here, you'll find review testimonials from families who have taken one of our classes firsthand. We hope their stories and experiences inspire confidence in what we do.

Showing testimonials for 8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict class. Show all.
61 to 90 of 94 testimonials.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

October 12, 2022

Catlin F.

How well it explained the impact that stress can have on a child's developing brain and how to better communicate with a high conflict parent.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

October 8, 2022

Kent H.

I learned a lot about how to communicate with my co-parent. I identified a few areas I need to improve soon to be a good co-parent.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

September 29, 2022

Robert A.

Very informal and helped me realize things I am doing wrong and what I can change myself.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

September 28, 2022

Tammy H.

Lots of good ideas and tips to help me deal w/ my angry ex-husband. I liked the videos and the examples.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

September 26, 2022

Zainab F.

I really liked how it opens up both perspectives on both sides of the parents and teach us to be considerate about the other party and have flexible thinking. Something I really liked about this program was I learned to be more open and flexible when it comes to thinking. Communication is a must and having the ability to communicate with the co-parent will better my relationship with the kids and the co-parent.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

September 25, 2022

Duncan Y.

Very helpful and very insightful and going to be a wonderful tool to use in co-parenting with my child.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

September 21, 2022

Maureen P.

I liked the 4 skills, BIFF, parental alienation info - good to know that I’m not alone and it is acknowledged in the courts.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

September 17, 2022

Michelle W.

I liked how there was not just reading, we had videos to watch too and open ended questions to respond to and apply to real life scenarios.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

September 1, 2022

Shanelle D.

I liked the rate at which the material was presented. I was able to digest the material and I have some great notes to take away.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

August 28, 2022

Jose S.

Something I like about the program is that it reminds us of the simple routines that can be made to encourage how we control ourselves

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

August 21, 2022

Sarah S.

I liked the concepts of BIFF for text exchanges between co-parents. The data for children's need of stability and calm parenting was very interesting and insightful.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

August 11, 2022

Michael H.

Learned some valuable skills and techniques that I didn't know before taking this course, specifically the BIFF method.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

August 10, 2022

Christine R.

Very informative. It allowed me to reflect a lot on my personal situations and use real life examples. I also liked that it gave me practical tools that I can use in my life and current situation

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

August 2, 2022

Jess C.

I liked all the information about managing emotions and how to respond to extreme emotions

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

August 1, 2022

Brittany M.

I thought the effects on the baby brain was really interesting. I also found the process of mediation really helpful.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

July 31, 2022

Heidi M.

Many tips on how to deal with a high conflict parent and ideas and tips on compromise. In addition many helpful explanations on child psychology and what is best for the children.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

July 29, 2022

Lisa B.

While an excellent and informative program all around, I found the section about yelling being every bit as abusive as hitting fascinating; that the child’s brain does not know the difference between fear from yelling and fear from hitting and releases the same damaging stress hormone cortisol, which causes impaired cognitive function, a shrunken corpus callous and other deficits. I also appreciated the helpful information on BIFF, dealing with a high conflict parent, parental alienation, managed emotions, and flexible thinking.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

July 29, 2022

Mandy M.

I learned a lot of different ways of thinking and looking at situations. I'm glad I had the opportunity to take this course, take many notes, and learn new ways of dealing with my issues.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

July 28, 2022

Francisco L.

It opened my thoughts and allowed m e to make corrections in my thinking and the ways i communicate with the co parent

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

July 27, 2022

Laurel M.

Flexibility to do it at my own pace & online

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

July 26, 2022

Maria S.

I like that I can completed whenever I had the time.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

July 24, 2022

Joe M.

I liked the BIFF responses. I have been working on it and i feel it may be working. And also the stuff on flexible thinking, managed emotions, moderate behavior and checking yourself. That has changed my whole perspective on things

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

July 21, 2022

Nicole K.

I learned new information about how to co-parent in the best way and how to approach certain situations and how to do my best at making sure we are both looking at what is in best interest for our child. I mainly learned how to approach certain situations and how to deal with them. I learned that the way I respond and the way I act does actually affect the co-parent. I liked the BIFF response a lot too that will help out a lot.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

July 20, 2022

Jessica P.

I learned several ways of approaching my co-parent and going to try out. Learning to try and deflect anger from ex, and that it is more about themselves and not me.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

July 14, 2022

Karlos C.

It taught me a lot! Good skills and things i didn't know about and showed me how to be the best dad.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

July 14, 2022

Angelica B.

It was very informative in every subject that could occur.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

July 13, 2022

Jessica S.

I really enjoyed learning about the B.I.F.F as my husband and I mostly use text as a form of communication.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

July 9, 2022

Neely L.

I really appreciated the content from Bill Eddy. I have studied his strategies for years and it has really helped change the way I think and how I approach situations whether with my co-parent or in other high conflict situations.

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

July 9, 2022

Autumn B.

I liked expressing my feelings in this program and learning some new things to do when I get along with my sons father in the future

8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict

July 9, 2022

Tylar B.

I absolutely loved the suggestions on how to respond to an angry email/text. The BIFF method is the best thing I could have learned and applied to my current situation. I also appreciate that this program made me list positive things about my co-parent, it's helped not focus so much on all the negative things.

61 to 90 of 94 testimonials.
Showing testimonials for 8 Hour - Parenting Without Conflict class. Show all.

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